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Polar Programs

Polar Project Sample Deployments

Here are articles on several recent Polar Project Deployments: Polenet Mevo

Year Round Equipment for Polar Projects

Here are several documents regarding year round equipment for Polar Projects. Batteries DAS Power Box Sensors Solar Station Enclosure Vaults

Summer Only Enclosure for Polar Projects

Here are several documents regarding summer-only equipment for Polar Projects. Batteries DAS Power Sensors Solar Station Enclosure Vaults

Specialized Polar Equipment

The Polar Program of IRIS/PASSCAL is dedicated to supporting with seismological research in the Arctic and Antarctic.  As opposed to traditional seismic stations installations around the world, instrumenting the Arctic or Antarctic require special consideration due to the extreme nature of the climatic conditions, temperature being the primary challenge.

Polar Posters and Presentations

Polar Posters and Presentations


Polar Technology Conference, 2016

Download Presentation: 6.2MB Polar Technology Conference, 2015

Download Presentation: 3.5MB McMurdo Science Talk, 2015-16

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Solar for Summer Only Enclosure

Summer Only Solar Panels

10W or 20W of solar power are usually sufficient for summer only experiment depending on a typical seismic station load.

IRIS PASSCAL's Polar Group uses both the Suntech STP010 (10W) and the STP020 (20W).  They are both efficient, monocrystalline silicon solar panels and have strong frames.  A mount was designed in house and manufactured specifically for these panels to attached them directly to our  “summer only” enclosures.

Station Enclosure for Summer Only

For summer only deployments, special and costly, heavy insulation is not needed since the temperature at that time of the year remains high enough that the electronic equipment and batteries will continue to operate normally without a heat source.

The PASSCAL Polar Group's summer only enclosures are made of molded,  heavy-duty, lightweight polyethylene on the outside and have closed cell foam liner inside, cut to accommodate the equipment and batteries.  They were designed with portability in mind and their outside dimensions are 24 in x 21 in x 11 in.

To ease deployment, the case was designed to contain all the equipment necessary as long as the sensor is an L28 or smaller.  At the site, only the seismometer needs to be installed and the solar panel needs to be mounted on top of the case.

Solar Equipment for Year Round Polar Programs

Low Power Solar Panel System

This solar panel system uses three Suntech STP020S  (20W) Monocrystalline Silicon solar panels mounted in a triangle to take advantage of the 24 hours a day solar insolation.   With the combination of cold temperature and solar reflection off the snow, this system produces close to 40W worth of solar power all day long in clear conditions.  This is more than adequate for most seismic recorder configurations.

This solar panel system is also very simple and quick to install in snow.  All that is needed is to have the base of the solar system buried in two feet or more of well compacted snow.  No guying is necessary.  Only one solar cable is needed to connect to a junction box located on the post.

Power Box Equipment for Summer Only Enclosure

Solar Charge Controllers

The Solar Charge Controller is responsible to properly charge the batteries when solar energy is available.  The GenaSun GV-4 controller, which is used for summer only experiments,  is a very efficient charge controller that uses the MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking) to maximize the power available at the solar panel, increasing the efficiency by 10 to 30% over traditional solar regulators.  It also uses very little power in low or no light conditions.

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