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Quanterra Q330

The Q330 is a 3 or 6 channel high resolution datalogger. It is low power and highly configurable for a wide range of applications and sensors. The Q330 is housed in a sealed aluminum enclosure which makes it highly resistant to the environment. Telemetry is a main focus of the Q330, but it also has a robust on-site data storage system which uses external Balers. This makes it easy to swap out the data storage on-site for when servicing doesn't allow an extended visit. The Q330 can write data to four different receiving systems simultaneously. It also has built-in sensor controls, an automatic mass recentering feature, and calibration functions. The Q330 is programmed with a Windows program called Willard, it can also be controlled by a PalmOS program for when working in the field.


  • 3 or 6 channel, 24 bit ADC
  • Physical size: 14" x 4" x 6"
  • Power source: 10-16V, ~0.6W
  • Sample rate: 1 to 200 sps
  • Storage capacity: Baler dependent, up to 32GB

For more specifications on the Q330, you can visit the manufacturer's website at

Q330 Application Note: Automatic Mass Recentering (56KB PDF)