Data Archiving Information
Data Archiving Information Center
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All PASSCAL users have agreed to archive their data, as required by the Data Delivery Policy. The Data Group offers support and training to our users who need assistance. Available for user support are: Akram Mostafanejad, Stephen Veitch, and Holly Rotman. Please epic [dot] data [dot] group [at] earthscope [dot] org (contact us all) with your archiving questions; one of us will reply soon.
Experiments record either passive sources or controlled sources of seismic waves. Some experiments use a combination of both techniques. The source type and recording configuration (continuous vs. triggered or event windowed) determine the archive format. Since natural events occur with relative irregularity, the recording style is usually continuous, so SEED is the appropriate archive format. Triggered or event-windowed data are often preferred in SEG-Y format, via the ph5 kitchen software package.
There are two raw data transfer methods: Stand-alone stations, the most common, record data to a local disk. Real-time stations send data directly to the DMC over a wireless network. Please see the links in the table above for specific information about your situation.
Having trouble deciding when to use 'dep2ph5' or 'kef2ph5'? Refer to our Glossary of Data Terms.
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