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Passive Source (SEED) Archiving Documentation

Main Documentation for PASSIVE Source Data Processing (SEED)

The documentation below offers instructions for archiving data from PASSCAL instrumentation in miniSEED format with metadata to be submitted as stationXML. To archive data from a PASSCAL experiment, select the appropriate documentation for your instrument for instructions for preparing the data before transferring it to PASSCAL. For the metadata, PASSCAL offers software for generating stationXML for your experiment. Please see the documentation for metadata generation using Nexus.

For PASSCAL PIs who previously archived data using Antelope, our documentation has been reworked to generate metadata in stationXML format via the PASSCAL program Nexus rather than using an Antelope database to create a dataless SEED. The documentation for archiving data with Antelope is still available on this page.

If you have any questions about archiving data from PASSCAL experiments, please email epic [dot] data [dot] group [at] earthscope [dot] org

Data Processing Documentation

Nanometrics Centaur: Centaur Data Processing

Nanometrics Pegasus: Pegasus Data Processing

Quanterra Q330: Q330 Data Processing

The latest versions of rt2ms (v2021090 and all subsequent versions) have functional updates which require an updated version of the documentation for processing data with this version of the software. If you have installed the most recent PASSOFT package using Anaconda/Miniconda, please use the appropriate documentation. If you are running an older version of the PASSOFT package, the original documentation is still available below.

REF TEK RT130 w/latest rt2ms (Anaconda/Miniconda PASSOFT): RT130 Data Processing

REF TEK RT130 w/original rt2ms: RT130 Data Processing

Metadata Creation Documentation

Generating stationXML with Nexus
Short document: Metadata Generation with Nexus in a Nutshell

Long document: Generating Station XML from MiniSEED Files Using Nexus


Magnetotelluric (MT) Data Processing Documentation

Generating miniSEED and stationXML with Lemi2seed

LEMI-424: LEMI-424 data processing


Generating miniSEED and stationXML with phoenix2seed

Phoenix MTU-5C: Phoenix data processing


Appendices Available for SEED Data and Related Software

Data Processing

Fixhdr Help: detailed instructions for fixhdr, our mini-seed file header manipulation tool.

Appendix A of the SEED Manual contains a brief description of the SEED Format channel naming convention. 

Recommended channel names for PASSCAL instrumentation according to SEED naming convention.


Reviewing Waveforms and Datalogger State of Health

Using PQL for RT130 and Q330 Seismic Waveform Data Review: A short doc introducing PQL II usage.

PQL II - Data Viewing Program: A longer document detailing usage of PQL II.

Logpeek: Reviewing RT130 State of Health Information: How to use logpeek and interpret RT-130 SOH information.

Q330 State of Health (SOH) Channels: descriptions of SOH channels recorded by a Q330.


Antelope Archiving Documentation



Long Document

detailed instructions

Short Document

step-by-step summary and highlights

Data Flows

illustration of procedure

RT130 Generating SEED from RT130 raw data RT130 Data Processing in a Nutshell RT130 Data Flow
Q330 Generating SEED from Q330 raw data Q330 Data Processing in a Nutshell Q330 Data Flow
RT125 Generating SEED from RT125 raw data RT125 Data Processing in a Nutshell RT125 Data Flow

Building a Batch File for dbbuild: how to generate a batch file for BRTT's Antelope database construction tool, dbbuild, with examples.


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