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Seismic Vaults

Station Installation Procedure


PASSCAL station installations can vary according to the type of equipment being used, the physical environment, and also the legal responsibilities due the land owner or administrator.  For the latter, it is assumed that the full consent of the land owner/administrator for the station to be installed, operated for the required duration, and then final removal has been obtained.  It is further assumed that state laws regarding digging permits are also being followed. See also Guidelines for Station Installation.

Installing a PASSCAL seismic station involves the placement of a number of different, but coupled, sub-systems, including (but not limited to):

Broadband Vault Construction


Download Diagram of Vault (jpg)

Construction of the vault for broadband seismometers has a direct impact on data quality. Before construction can begin there are two other important considerations as well; location, and setting. A short discussion of these topics precedes the construction details because you should really pick the right site before going to all the work of building a vault. It takes a long time to find good sites which balance the competing requirements of low noise, access, security, position within the array, power, permission, etc. Finding one site per day is fairly productive.

Station Enclosures

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