SiRF Clocks in the Field as of August, 2008
4 | 200551 | Costa Rica Subduction (Nicoya) |
2 | 200559 | HLP-lite (aka pre-HLP) |
2 | 200604 | Anatahan Volcanoes |
1 | 200609 | CAFE |
3 | 200611 | CRB-Wallowa |
2 | 200617 | PIRE |
1 | 200622 | Carpathians |
1 | 200655 | Mexico ETS |
6 | 200701 | Bangladesh |
9 | 200708 | ASCENT |
3 | 200709 | HLP |
25 | 200714 | Garner Valley BB |
14 | 200715 | AfricaArray-Tanzania |
12 | 200717 | Tomo_Erebus |
29 | 200720A | SLIP (aka PUNA) |
2 | 200729 | Cascadia OBS (aka COLZA) |
1 | 200737 | Bering Glacier |
8 | 200742 | Mendocino Broadband (aka FAME) |
7 | 200757 | Delta Levee II |
28 | 200805 | Newberry Volcano |
41 | 200822R | HLP-PIggyback-RT130s |
1 | 200826 | NTS Event |
1 | 200835 | Glide Avalanches |
7 | 200837 | Bering Glacier Field Camp 2008 |
1 | 200841 | USAcross |
2 | 200847 | Mountain River Sinuosity |
SiRF Clocks Assigned and Missing
1 | 200313 | NW Nevada-Active |
2 | 200401 | Central America BBArray |
2 | 200408 | CANOE |
1 | 200429 | PASO-TRES |
1 | 200461 | Offshore Cameroon |
3 | 200501 | Cameroon Volcanic Line |
1 | 200522 | SNEP |
Grand Total 224 signed out to experiments.
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RefTek RT130 Timing Errors Affecting PASSCAL and FA Experiments
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